Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Epidemic of Fat

I won't beat around the bush here. I absolutely despise fat people. I'm not talking the bit of baby fat or a small beer gut or just haven't got out to exercise in a bit folks. I'm talking the ginormous hippos that waddle themselves throughout our society. Frankly, as an American, it pisses me off. And I'm not going to use any PC crap. No "overweight" or "obese". They are FAT.

I met a 101 year old man today who was walking and just waiting for his son to come push him around in a wheelchair. That is outstanding. He more than deserves to have a wheelchair and frankly, not have to walk anywhere the rest of his life, however long that may be.

In ugly contrast, while at the grocery store, this grossly overweight woman was driving around in the motorized cart, throwing lard chips and fat biscuits in her little basket and taking up the whole aisle. To be honest, I don't know if she was putting lard chips in her cart, mostly because I couldn't see past her humongous body.

I don't believe that fat people should be allowed to use the motorized carts at all. Or use handicapped spots, or have any benefits/special treatment whatsoever. The purpose of the motorized carts is so old feeble people and those with a handicap can get around. Fat people don't have a handicap. They have an unhealthy lifestyle which most likely includes being lazy and not eating correctly. That is not a handicap. That is your own fault and doesn't warrant any special treatment. They should make you park in the back of the parking lot so you have to walk further and give you a smaller cart so you can't fill it with so many donuts and cupcakes. If you don't think you can make it all the way around the store, you best make a decision on what food is most important and start there. Here's a hint: It's not the cupcakes.

So why did I say "as an American"? I'm sick of the downward spiral we are in. We used to be at the forefront of technology and quality. We were hard workers who built dams and roads and skyscrapers. Now everything is imported. Foreign companies do our building. Americans are lazy and happy to take a handout without any shame. Could you imagine how the forefathers would react to the "too big to fail" bull that was fed to the public? Capitalism is about the freedom to prosper by creating the better service, the better product, the next best thing. Not today. It's about cutting corners and playing politics. No wonder we are in an "economic slump". We can't do anything for ourselves. God bless the farmers and factory workers and anyone who still works hard to keep America great. how does that last paragraph translate to hating fat people? It's the fact that they can choose to be different. To exercise, to eat right. You don't have to have money. Get up in the morning and walk or do cardio or do anything. It's free. It's a choice. Throw out your deep fryer. Eat less calories. IT'S A CHOICE. I don't care about "genetics," or any other cop out reason. Fix yourself. Fix America! Build better products. Invest in science and technology development. Let crappy businesses fail, no matter how big! And for the love of God, get off your fat ass and do something about it.

As a parting word...
It makes me sad and angry to see fat people with fat children. Don't screw them in life because you can't be a good parent and keep them healthy. You are perpetuating the problem.

Am I venting? Absolutely. America has a lot of problems, and this is one that we can fix as individuals. Taking personal responsibility is the first step.

1 comment:

ddp442 said...

I have never agreed with someone more. I run an automotive shop and have a rule to never hire a fat person. They are lazy and feel they are entitled to having thin people do everything for them. As a country we need to make their lives more difficult, it's harsh but we NEED to inspire change somehow.